What is ESW?
Equine Supported Wellness is partnering with horses through programs and experiences which support our general wellness and is facilitated by trained and qualified professionals. ESW has gone by many different names over the past 10 years including Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Equine Facilitated Wellness, Equine Assisted Learning, Equine Assisted Therapy, and Equine Wellness to name a few.
More about Equine Assisted Therapies
We believe that our mental health intertwines with our overall health, well-being and emotional needs to include a broader exploration of our social connections, emotional wellness, experiences, and patterns that we all have.
Equine Supported Wellness (ESW) is an alternative way to offer learning and mental health support with the involvement of horses in the session.
ESW encourages our learning and understanding, helps us to recognize the patterns that exist in our relationships, and allows us to grow our emotional connectedness and relationships with each other.

ESW is offered through two different streams of programming:
1) A therapeutic stream where we incorporate ESW as a form of mental health treatment that takes a traditional in-office talk therapy session and places it into a ring with horses.
2) An educational stream that focuses on supporting learning about horses, their behaviour and how they are in the world, and an opportunity to translate that into learning and reflection about ourselves and how we as humans exist and behave. By moving through a set of semi-structured exercises, participants will be a part of a journey of self-discovery and awareness, creating the opportunity for personal growth and healing ruptures in relationships.

Contact Us
Equine Supported Wellness
Hosted at Rohan Wood Stables
382 Morden Road Aylesford Nova Scotia
Tel: 902-365-3363